This past thursday I did not lock my 7 month old in the car, and then I did not freak out and run around the car 2 times to make sure I hadnt missed a door handle on the first trip around!
And this said 7 month old did not sit in the car for 30 - 45 mins before someone could come and get him out!
Again this said 7 month did not slither out the bottom of his stroller and stand at the bottom and think that it was to funny that I did not see him stading there! (really I didnt even know he had exscaped!)
And again this said 7 month old was not standing up in his crib holding on to the side, I did not notice it and instantly run to grab my cell phone to grab a quick picture, which I did not turn around immediatly and send it to my mom to look at her big boy grandbaby! All while he was still standing up!!!

And I so did not just post that said picture and think "awww he is getting so big!!!"
Not me, not ever......I always pay attention to where and what he is doing!!!