Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Just a little post about something that has touched my heart beyond measures. We had Wills baby dedication this past sunday 4/19/09. I invited my imediate family and a couple friends to be there for this occasion. I have been praying now for I cant tell you how long for my parents and siblings to get back into church. They know what it is like to be in church and to worship God with all their hearts! They got out of church a few years back, and just havent been since! So I have been praying like crazy. Sunday they were all there, with the exception of my older sister Lindsey. They think she had food poisoning! But anyways, so they were all there and the sermon was a great one. It was about drinking from the well of Jesus, and lord knows we all need a new sip of it every once in a while. When the alter call was given, no one moved. I was soo upset, I just knew that my mom and dad would move, my dad had been crying during the whole thing. But to my dissapointment no one moved. So just as I thought the dismissal was going to be given, Brother James (my father-in-law) gave one last chance for people to get right with God, he told the whole congregation to close their eyes, and those that God was speaking to to please raise their hands. Well me being all nosey and wanting my mom and dad back in church, I kept my eyes open and fixed on my dad! I know I cheated, but I soo desperatly wanted them back in church and worshiping God like they have before, I know to well that when you are out of the presence of God your life can be unbearable, and I did not want that for my parents.

With my eyes fixed on my dad, as soon as James gave the Ok for them to raise their hands if the lord was speaking to them, I seen my dads hand go up. I was soo overwelmed by just knowing that he was speaking to my dad that I just broke down crying. Next James gave the invitation for those that raised their hands to come to the alter. I knew my dad would have to make the next steps on his own in order for him to go to that alter, and sure enough he got out of that pew and went to the alter, then I seen my friend Megan, then my mom. I was sooo overjoyed that I was sobbing, my sister-in-law had to get the baby from me. I was touched by just the knowing that my mom and dad had gotten re-dedicated in the lord, and my friend Megan had gotten saved.

But the thing that has touched my heart the most so far with the whole ordeal happened yesterday! My BEST friend Charlene emailed me saying that she had posted a blog and wanted me to go and read it. Ive always read some of her blogs, they are always great, so I expected none the less from this one. But it really go to me what she had written. She said that she had fealt God speaking to her during the sermon, and that she was ashamed because she didnt move when she knew she needed him. This by far has touched me more than anything, because I knew that my mom and dad would probrably eventually move. But I had no Idea that it had touched Charlene so much.

I not only have been praying for my family to get back into church, but for my BEST friend and her husband to be saved, and serve the lord. This just confirms that there is a GOD and that he is the real deal, no matter what anyone says. He answers prayers! He has mine! And I know that he is still working on the "husband" of the BEST friend. It will happen eventually, because that is how GOD works in mysterious ways!

1 comment:

  1. Ever since I left your house Sunday, I felt that I needed to express what I was feeling. I didn't want to burden you Sunday with my heavy heart especially since your family was there to visit, that's why I choose to express it on my blog. My blog has become my release if you will, and I try to be very open about myself there. Something kept telling me though that you would understand what I was saying and that you NEEDED to know that part of me...or maybe I just needed you to know that part of me.
