Ok, so since I am new to all of this, I guess I can start off by giving a little update on my little man! He is now two months old! Man how time flies now. He is cooing like crazy, and has the most adorable gummy grin ( since he dosent have teeth) that I have ever seen. I guess you could kinda say that I am partial towards him! He now weighs 13 pounds and is 23 inches long! When he was born he weighed 7pounds 9ounces. The Dr. said that he was in the 25th percentile range when he was born...now at 2 months is in the 75th percentile range. She said it was great! My little man had to have his 2 month old shots done last Thursday...bless his little heart. Two in each leg! He was a trooper though! He goes to daycare and I truely believe that he is learing from the other babies there that are older than him, he has started to sqeel, which is sooo cute. The first time I heard him do it was in Sunday School at church, I couldnt even pay any attention to the lesson because I was cracking up at him! He is tooo funny!

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